催しの案内 京まちなかを歩く日2019    [ ENGLISH ]

11月9日 土曜日〜11月10日 日曜日
まちなかを歩く日 2019年





[ GoogleMapでご案内 ]



  1. 伏見の芸術家藤田輝二氏と姉小路路面で大軸協働執筆
    [日時] 11月9日(土曜日) 14:00~15:00
    [会場] 姉小路通ガス灯周辺 (姉小路通柳馬場東入北側)
  2. 姉小路界隈の活動24年間/意見交換会成果 (姉小路界隈まちづくり協議会)
    [会場] ギャラリー 象鯨(姉小路通柳馬場東入北側)
  3. 柳池学区・柳池中学・柳池会・姉菊屋町思い出動画映写
    [日時] 11月9日(土曜日)・10日(日曜日)10:00〜16:00
    [会場] ギャラリー象鯨 (姉小路通柳馬場東入北側)
  4. 中京もえぎ幼稚園児ミニ行灯展示
    [日時] 11月9日(土曜日)・10日(日曜日)10:00〜16:00
    [会場] ギャラリー象鯨 (姉小路通柳馬場東入北側)
  5. 車いすももてなす姉小路のまちなみと灯り(非常電源設備予定)
    [日時] 11月9日(土曜日)16:00〜19:00
    [会場] 姉小路通 (富小路通〜柳馬場通)
  6. 地域と宿泊施設の連携 地域に点在する京町家探検ツアー (午前・午後各1時間コース)
    [日時] 11月10日(日曜日)10時と13時
    [集合場所] ギャラリ-象鯨 (姉小路通柳馬場東入北側)


EVENT INFORMATION Walk Day in Central Kyoto 2019

Saturday, 9 November 2019 - Sunday, 10 November 2019

20th Walk Day in Central Kyoto 2019 / Saturday, 9 November 2019 - Sunday, 10 November 2019 / Sponsored by: The Committee of Aneyakouji Neighbors Community Development / Directing the town where they can walk peacefully

This is the 20th year for this annual celebration that was begun by the event "Walking Around the City" organized by the City of Kyoto on 19 November 2000.

If you are walking, you can avoid the traffic that is passing through the area from the outside, as we have been holding this community event using Aneyakouji Street since the first year.

The following events 1 - 5 are held every year, but this year we have added a new theme called "Coordination between Areas and Accommodations." It is a project that invites experts and people who can speak English to learn together while guiding event participants.

In addition to those that live in the vicinity, we hope that those who are staying at the area accommodations will feel free to join us..

We hope that this will help you understand the many wonderful ways Kyoto has developed in the Aneyakouji Street neighborhood since its beginning a quarter of a century ago..

We look forward to your visit..

[ GoogleMap for find zone where ]


Calligrapher Katsumi Wada who appeared in 2018.

  1. There will be a community hanging scroll made at street level on Aneyakouji Street with artist Teruji Fujita of Fushimi.
    Date & Time: Saturday, 9 November, 14:00 - 15:00
    Location: Aneyakouji Street in the Gas Lamp Area
  2. Activities in the area of Aneyakouji Street over the last 24 years. Results of the opinion exchange meeting by the Aneyakouji Area Community Development Council.
    Date & Time: Saturday, 9 November & Saturday, 10 November, 10:00 - 16:00
    Location: Big Whale Gallery
  3. Memorial movies of Ryuchi School District, Ryuchi Junior High School, Ryuchi-kai and Anekikuya-cho.
    Date & Time: Saturday, 9 November and Sunday, 10 November 10:00 - 16:00
    Location: Big Whale Gallery
  4. Chukyo Moegi Kindergarten, Childten's Mini-Light Display
    Moegi Kinderharten is now 20 years old, but since its establishment, the children have been painting on the street lamps of Aneyakouji Street. Ten years ago, we started to create mini-lamps that can be lit with 1/8th inch fine-sized light-emitting diodes. Cute mini-lamps became popular and they were provided at cost to parents who wanted them.
    Date & Time: Saturday, 9 November & Sunday, 10 November 10:00 - 16:00
    Location: Big Whale Gallery
  5. Townscapes and lights of Aneyakouji Street to entertain those in wheelchairs. (Emergency power supply facility planned)
    Date & Time: Saturday, 9 November 16:00 - 19:00
    Location: Aneyakouji Street from Tomikoji Street to Yanagiba Street
  6. Exploration tour of the kyo-machiya houses which are found in the area. (1 hour each for the morning and afternoon tours.)
    Date & Time: Sunday, 10 November 10:00 & 13:00
    Meeting Location: Big Whale Gallery